Monday, November 8, 2010


Dear Fam,

Yesterday we finally watched conference, we watched saterday afternoon session, two talks from the sunday morning session and priesthood and that was it. I felt kind of riped off because I thought we would watch the whole sunday morning session but it's ok. I loved all the talks I heard and I can't wait for the Liahona to come out this month so I can read them all! I fill like at took gerneral conference for granted all though my youth, but yesterday I was almost running to the chaple I was so excited. Mom I was only able to see one song but I was able to find you twice in the song. I think most of the brach knows you are in the chior and knew I was looking for you, it was so fun to see you all the way in Ho, you know most missionaries don't get to see thier moms for two years but not me! ha I thought Elder Gong did a fantastic job, and I was suppried by his jokes because I don't know if I have every heard Uncle Garret ever tell a joke but I think he had more humor than all the other talks that session. Please tell him how happy I was to hear from him all the way over here.

This week I practically shaved my head, it was actually a buzz with a the length 1, I think it kind of looks funny but it feels so much better than before and my mission president dosn't mind, because he does the same. Eric I'm interested if your mission president let you do the same because I imagine the climates of our missions being very similar. The last few months have been the rainy season people say it will only get hotter. I always thought I would be parting my
hair every morning as a missionary but now I have no hair to part.

[Personal messages to siblings.]

This coming week we will have interviews and will go to the temple, I have been looking forward to this temple trip for a while and am so happy to have a temple in my mission. Also I think we will be having a farwell party with the rest of the brach for the Jorganson's because they will be leaving ho to go and work in the office. Thats about it for this week, we are stuggling in the work, things have gone very well since I arrived but now it has really slowed down, and we are having a hard time finding people to teach. Well thats true at all because anyone will we recieve us to ''hear the word of God'' but they are having a hard time keeping commitments and realizing that this is the word of God! So thank you for your prayers and please continue to pray that we will be able to find people that are looking for the gosple. Sis Mary was baptized this week, she was the one I told you of last week, she could barely read when we first started teaching her and now
she can read on her own. This week we were worried because we couldn't get a hold of her for her interview, turned out she forgot her phone and she was so excited that she came to the the church an hour before her interview and talked with the branch president the whole time. We were terrified because she was ready and we thought she had changed he mind in the last minute about being baptized. He baptizim was wonderful she was so happy and it is wonderful to see how the gosple changes people!

Love, Elder L.

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