Monday, March 26, 2012

The Latest from the Adenta Weekly

Dear Fam,

Great to hear from all of you, thanks for the letters but I didn't hear anything about March madness which is for the best... my only question is Indiana, Kentucky or Ohio State still in it? Anyways we had a good week, Elder Jones and I have been struggling to find so people but things pick up a little last week and especially this week. We are planing on two baptism on sat. Abraham and Prince, Abraham is a cool story. He has had it pretty hard, both of his parents passed away when he was young, so he has been living with his Ant ever since. A few months a go he started coming to church, but his Ant doesn't like the church and told him that he can't go back if he wants to live with them any more. He stopped coming to church but started coming to Institute with his friends. He has been doing that for some time and than his Ant found out and kicked him out of the house so... he moved in with his three friends that are members. He is so eager to be baptized and learn more about the gospel its contagious. Prince was a referral from the Elders Quorum President. He lives with his wife and she is expecting in a few months. She just came for the first time last week, and he is looking forward to his baptism and he is happy that his wife is taking interest. Hopefully she continues and is baptized and than ultimately they can be sealed on day!

As for my personal study this week, it was very good.. I have been starting the Book of Mormon again and I'm always so impressed with Nephi, if I learn one thing from him, its to keep the commandments. He mentions that we should be diligent in keeping the commandments dozens of times. I was also touched by some Articles from General conference this week, it was from the April 2010 conference.. President Eyering spoke of acting with all diligence. Its become one of my favorite talks, I have read it many times on my mission. Its directed to the Aaronic Priesthood but the Principle taught in it are inspiring. I would encourage all of you to read it in your free time. He says when ever fills he has finished a big assignment or task and his body is begging for a rest he will think of the Savior. After Christ suffered and died for us he could have taken a rest and deserved a rest more than any of us but instead of resting he was teaching the spirits in spirit prison! When he thinks of this he feels a rallying cry within himself and it helps President Eyering to do all he can to serve the Lord. For me I have been far from serving a perfect mission, Christ is the only one who has but I have thought of this talk uncountable times throughout my mission and it has helped me stir a rallying cry within my self. I also love this talk because he teaches a great way for us to fulfill our Priesthood duty/church callings. 1) Read and Ponder the scriptures 2) Pray to know the Nature of God 3) Plead that the spirit will guide you what to do 4) Promise to obey 5) Plan to act on it 6) do it 7) thank your Heavenly Father. Mom, thanks for sending the last conference addition... You will all have to tell me about which talks you like the most! And make sure to take notes, so you can tell me what you liked!

I love you all and pray for you always!

-Elder L.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Dear fam,

As always I'm glad to hear from you all, it sounds like everyone is doing well. I'm glade to hear about the cougars in the first round but sad to here they were not as fortunate in the second. Like Nate, I believe the Hoosiers will win it all this year, although I don't know anything about this years season I hope they do it.  Anyways, I'm sorry but todays letter will be short, it took some time  to write president Judd today so I just have a few mins to write you. This week we had a wonderful zone interview with President, I always  look forward to my interviews it just feel great to talk one on one with President. On wed I went to Nsawam for a split, it was a lot of fun, it is a really cool area and its a lot more like the bush than adenta so it was fun to have that feeling again, I got some great pictures of it. This week we felt blessed to have several investigators come to church, this had slowed down for a while so we are happy to see things are picking back up, I believe it because we have changed the way we are using the Book of Mormon. Thanks for all the love and prayers, please pray for alice, abraham, christina!

Love, Elder L.

Monday, March 12, 2012


Dear Fam,

Thanks for all the letters and prayers and love, this week we have continued to use the Book of Mormon all we could, we continued to be blessed by the Lord to find wonderful people, President Judd is always focusing that we do our best to find the elect! The church is doing well out here and is growing very fast, but the church needs more leaders! So that is what we have set out to do, we are still talking to everyone, because the gospel is for everyone! (I'm sorry if I have talked about this over the past few weeks, but President Judd has got it going though all over our minds) This week we contacted a man named Kissi. When we contacted him and introduced ourselves and he also introduced himself as "Elder Kissi" we were kind of afraid that he was a pastor.. not that we are afraid to teach pastors but you can imagine how most feel when they see the missionaries trying to take missionaries away from their church. But when we sat down with him, he had heard a lot about the Book of Mormon (almost everyone in Ghana has heard the Book of Mormon is a book of magic, its evil and that Mormons drink blood) We really has to talk about those misconceptions with almost every investigator. Anyways we had a wonderful lesson with him and were able to show him that it is truly another Testament of Jesus Christ. We had that same experience with a few more people this week. I have learned that not only are some kept from the truth because they know not where to find it... and because Satan is working hard to tell lies that make people afraid of the church. I know that this is the Lords work, and that there is a lot more than just harvesting, but by also planting seeds and that comes from showing people what we really believe. I just remembered one last thing I wanted to tell you, Joyce who was baptized a few weeks ago and went to the Temple this past week to do baptisms! She loved it, and can't wait to go again, it made me so happy to see her happy and thats why I love the gospel, its here to bless people and make them happy! Love you all and thanks for all you do!

-Elder L.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Not all Scripture is of equal value . . .Presiden Benson

Dear Fam,

[Personal messages to family.] This week we had transfers, all six of us are staying the same in the apartment. Elder Jones is strong, he has been here for six transfers now! The longest I have ever been in one are is 5. What about on your missions, what was the longest you were in an area for? This week we have continued to focus on it, I have felt that our lessons have been more spiritual, at Zone Leader Council on Thursday President Judd gave us all a copy of the book called "a witness and a warning" its by President Benson and its all about the Book of Mormon. Its a great book, I feel it will help me a lot in my studies of the Book of Mormon. Right now we are teaching some wonderful people but because of some trials in their life, it has really been hard on them, I know that the Book of Mormon answers the questions of the soul. President Judd told us that as great as the pamphlets and preach my gospel are, one day they will all change, but the Book of Mormon will never change. It will be the tool that gathers Israel. It has been a really great week and I'm looking forward to the next one as we continue to use the Book of Mormon all we can. Mom, do you have any update on the Ho family? How are they doing? I'm grateful for the great missionary family I come from! I love and pray for you all everyday

-Elder L.