Monday, May 28, 2012


Dear Family,

Good Morning! It seems that I have been transferred once again, this time to Cantoments. Cantoments is quite the area, because its the biggest one in the mission. I don't really know if it is the biggest but if I combine, Ho, Osu, Buduburam and Adenta it might be bigger than all of them combined. But just as those areas there are some places we don't work in because it is full of businesses, the airport and some other places. The Temple is in our Area and I have heard that most of the time the Bishop helps recent converts to go to the temple and do baptisms for the dead shortly after they are baptized. I really hope that is true because usually the mission lets missionaries attended the Temple when their recent converts go for the
first time. We attended church in the same compound as the Temple, so its fun to always be around the temple. Yesterday I was impressed with the ward, there are some wonderful people in our ward such as Elder and Sister Satati, Callister, Dickson and the Temple President. I saw Sister Satati and Elder Dickson yesterday everyone else was gone on assignments. I am really excited to be here and I know this is a wonderful ward that can help recent converts endure to the end so I know great things are ahead.

I'm now in the same zone as Osu so yesterday we went to Osu to go do some interviews, we got there a while after church closed but I was still able to have a nice reunion with some of the ward members and I saw Pedro Williams. Pedro is doing so well, he was baptized a little more than a year ago(hard to believe) he told me he is going to receive his Endowments in a few weeks. We don't know the date yet but I'll talk to President Judd to see if I can go! That would be amazing!

My new companion is Elder Wicho, he is from Zimbabwe and we are from the same MTC. So I have known him for a while. He has been here for 7 transfers and this is now his 8th in Cantoments... he is a
warrior! He is a master of finding families and we are teaching some wonderful people that I am really excited about. During the day we spend a lot of the time in Burma Camp, and A-wack Camps. Burma Camp is a military camp and A-wack is for the police. Dad, I have thought a lot about your stories from your mission when you worked on the Military Base in Germany and that has been fun to think about this
week. In the evenings we are working in Neighborhoods by the Mission Home and Temple because that is where the Big Gates are. There are some extremely well of areas in Cantoments and the only time to talk
to those people is when they are home in the evenings. I have met a lot of people this week and I'm trying to put the names with the faces but I will have make sure I write more about our investigators next week.

I had a fun Birthday, thanks for the Birthday wishes and Mom and Dad thank you for the package. I really appreciated it. It was fun to have a little piece of home for my birthday! It was great to hear about RBL's I know they will be wonderful, I'm especially excited for Robbie, he will have some great experiences. Thanks for all the love and Prayers. Know you are always in my Prayers.

Love, Elder L.

Monday, May 21, 2012


Dear Fam,

Thanks for all the birthday wishes! I'm glad to hear everyone is doing well back home, today I will have to be very fast the light has been off because of a bad storm and we need to go do an interview in a few min. Last week we had the baptism of Sister Esther she will be a great member and will really help the ward, her family is all members and I remember the first time we met her she said she didn't like how she and her sister were not together. The good news is that now they are together. Mom and Dad I'll get the package this week  thank you very much! Also I would love if you could make it out to Roberts homecoming I know you are busy with Choir and Stake business but if you can make it give him a hug for me. This week is transfers I'll find out tonight if i'm staying or going, most likely if I stay here this transfer I'll stay here until I finish. I'm sorry I didn't have time to write more but please tell Mathew [last name] I am super excited for him and he will be a wonderful missionary. Love you All!

-Elder L.

Monday, May 14, 2012


Dear Fam,

It was great to hear from you yesterday! Happy mothers day to everyone that I did not get to wish it to yesterday. I was so happy to talk to you, and Nate and Eric I'm sorry we couldn't talk but we do that in the coming months but I won't worry about that now. Elder Haggard and I had a great week, the best one yet. We have been blessed with some wonderful people. Sister Mary, Irene and Emmanuel are still doing great. We have found a few more people this week and we are hoping for more to come next but a few things kept them from coming. I don't have so much time so sorry It is very short today but I am alive and well and I can't believe that was our last phone call. Hard to believe how time flys. Elder Haggard and I have been working very hard to lead by example, it feels great and we are having so much fun, almost to much fun. sometimes we don't know if we are working and then we look back at the week and we realize what we have accomplished and it feels good. That is how it is supposed to be! So we are trying to help the zone catch the same fire so we are excited to see the improvements and see the blessing that come in the zone! Don't get me wrong the zone is doing well but there is always room for improvement. Love you all!

-Elder L.

Monday, May 7, 2012


Dear Fam,

It sounds like a lot of wonderful things are happening back home, [personal messages to family]. I'm looking looking forward to calling on sunday, I think I'll call around 7 or 8 my time, or is there a better time that would work for you?

This past week have been blessed to see some miracles happen in the lives of our investigators. We had our best week at church that we have had in a long time and a lot of that was because we have really tried to improve our work with members. Its not that we are having many member present lessons but our referrals have improved and we had some members pick up our investigators for church. One of these investigators is named Esther, Esther is the sister of a member, she had come to church a few times a long time ago but we have been teaching her for a few weeks. she had been doing very well and excepted everything we taught until we came to the word of wisdom. She does not see why we need to stay away from tea, so as we read from the Book of Mormon and elaborated on it we could see a change in her attitude towards it. We read the scripture you shared with us at the zone conference 1 Nephi 18:2 to teach her the lords way is different than our way and then we shared Alma 32 with her and invited her to experiment upon the word. She then accepted the invitation. The feeling in the room during that lesson was powerful and that it was testifying to her that what we were sharing was true. I know the Book of Mormon answers the question of the soul and that is a powerful tool to help our investigators feel the spirit. We also had Mary Offori come to church with her friend Irene as well as wisdom. We have been working with mary a few weeks and we were so happy to see her come this week she really liked church which was a little surprising because we watched General conference don't get me wrong I love conference but for our investigators it is hard from them to hear some of the english. She really liked it and I enjoyed teaching her that the foundation in Christ's church today is the same as it was long ago. Mary is a very elect women and we feel that when she follows what she knows is true the rest of the family will follow. Wisdom is very receptive to our message as well, for him he loves reading and asking questions, he has come the last two weeks and we are really excited about the progress he is making.

I loved conference, it was wonderful and as I listen to our leaders I know they are called of God. I loved Elder Hollands talk and Elder Christoffersons talk but my favorite part was seeing mom. Mom, I don't know if there has ever been a conference where you have had so much Camera time! I'm proud of you! I was able to point you out to a few of my investigators which was fun.

Last week we had Zone Conference and Zone Leader Council. Zone Conference was great we learned a lot about the Book of Mormon, how we can better use it and how we can bring about full conversion in the lives of our investigators. President Judd knows a lot about the scriptures, he is a wonderful teacher and will always tell us something that blows our minds and then he will come back to what he is saying like it is no big deal. He told us that there have been 2,900 and something changes to the Book of Mormon. All of them have been periods or commas or spelling as spelling changes over time. He told us that he has looked at every single change when he served on the Sunday school general presidency. When he said this it hit me that I want to become that familiar with the scriptures, now obviously I wont be able to remember all the periods and commas but I hope you get what I'm trying to say... if we know the Scriptures very, very well, it will truly bless our lives. I know this can not come in one day but is a life long pursuit but it will come as we study the scriptures every day! I love you all and look forward to talking to you on sunday!

-Elder L.